It is important to carefully follow the manufacturers maintenance instructions in order to prevent un-necessary breakdowns. For automatic machines this generally means rinsing your machine after each use . If the brew unit or infuser unit can be removed it should be taken out and rinsed under running water daily. Cleaning and descaling cycles should be performed per the manufacturers instructions. Milk frothing attachments should be rinsed regularly and cleaned thouroughly to prevent a build up of milk solidds and a loss of frothing performance.

For espresso machines flush the group head and purge and wipe the steam wand after each use.


Even a well maintained machine will need a regular service. We recommend you get your your domestic coffee machine serviced every 12 months or so, depending on how much it gets used.

A full service generally includes the following work


  • Dismantle and clean and adjust grinder
  • Dismantle and clean brew (infuser) unit, replace seals and lubricate as necessary
  • Dismantle and clean coffee delivery spouts and connecting hoses
  • Replace any leaking internal seals in steam valve and hose connections
  • Descale your machine
  • Thouroughly clean inside and out


  • Dismantle and clean and adjust grinder
  • Dismantle and clean brew (infuser) unit, replace seals and lubricate as necessary
  • Dismantle and clean coffee delivery spouts and connecting hoses
  • Replace any leaking internal seals in steam valve and hose connections
  • Descale your machine
  • Thouroughly clean inside and out
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